Commercial Painting in Burbank

How Many Quotes Should You Get for a Commercial Painting Project in Burbank?

Most commercial painting in Burbank is done by contractors, rather than being do-it-yourself jobs. That’s because the professionals can do a top quality job in a reasonable time frame. This generally costs more than doing it yourself, but it saves you a lot of time and energy, leaving you available for other tasks. You should be concentrating on your business, handing over tasks to those better qualified to do them.

It can sometimes be difficult to find the right painter for the job, but at Just Right Painting, we are here to help. We can get your painting done for you, but we can also give you information to help you make the right choice, including these tips about getting the right number of quotes.

How to Choose a Painter

There are many things that you should look for when you choose a painter. You might have to interview several contractors and get more than one quote before you find precisely what you’re looking for. When it comes to commercial painting in Burbank, make sure the painter you choose has experience with this type of job. You also want to ask about the contractor’s insurance and license. Talk about the timeline and the process for the job and what exactly the quote will cover. If you don’t feel at ease with a potential contractor, it’s probably best to move on.

What the Quote Should Include

When you get a quote from a potential painter, there are some things that you need to be sure it includes. Look for each item listed on its own, including the paint, the labor, materials, repairs, etc. You want a quote that is as specific as possible, including the exact areas that are being painted, the brand name and color of paint being used and what types of repairs are included. If anything is missing, or something is added that you don’t need or want, be sure the quote is amended before you make the decision to move forward or not.

Affordable Prices

While you might be happy with the first quote you get, it pays to shop around just a little bit. Talking to more than one contractor is a good way to find one who charges less, saving you some money on your commercial painting project. You might also find that certain painters offer special prices at certain times of the year, allowing you to save money on the final bill.

How Many Quotes to Get

There’s no hard and fast rule regarding the number of quotes you should get before hiring a commercial painter. However, it’s always a good idea to get several so you can compare what you’re getting. This allows you to choose the painter with the best price without having to sacrifice any of the things you need for the finished job.

If you want the best quality commercial painting in Burbank, it’s time to call Just Right Painting. We are here to help you get all the information you need and can give you a free quote when you’re ready.